As part of our efforts to lead Delton Community League to the best of our abilities, our Board has undergone the process of reviewing our bylaws. As a part of this process, Delton’s Board has created a Draft of our proposed changes to the Bylaws. The Draft has been approved by the Executive Board. The Draft will be discussed and presented for approval by our Membership at our AGM on January 29, 2024. Although there are only minor proposed changes, we do hope that members will take the time to read the new proposed version of the bylaws and offer any comments or suggestions at the AGM before the proposed changes are put to a vote. 

There are two versions of the document available to look at.  One is the finished document, with all the proposed changes in place. The second is a working draft with all additions in green and deletions stricken out and in red. The third document is a table outlining proposed changes for simplicity and transparency. If you wish to see how the document differs from the previous version, the document with changes and comments can be your guide to reading the new proposed bylaw changes.

Thank you for all your continued support and community involvement in the past year. We look forward to serving you in the coming year and beyond.

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